Papua Finance Limited (PFL) is incorporated and registered with the Papua New Guinea Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) on the 14th December, 2010, and licensed by Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) under Banking & Financial Institution Act 2000 as a authorised financial institution mostly owned and managed by local, indigenous PNG citizens for providing quality lending services at very low and affordable interest rates to the below-average citizens of PNG to financially assist them in times of need in their daily living as well as to finance those having need of assistance to start up business and/or to expand existing business, thus requesting funds for an additional working capital/capital asset purchase.
Papua Finance Limited will also take deposits with attractive interest rates to those who have surplus cash to assist those in need.
There are many banking and financial institutions in the country providing similar banking and financial services to prospective clients according to their own respective terms and conditions, purposely comply with the guidelines of Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG). However, PFL strongly and confidently believes that of course demand for accessing credit facility is very high due to the fact that individuals’ various business needs and wants. With this, PFL is really committed to provide this easy and accessible financial services competitive in the financial markets domestically so it closes this gap and maintain a reputable financial company in this banking and financial industry.
Papua Finance Limited has a great vision to participate effectively and competitively at market and willing to be partnership with any corporate client(s) to ensure easy and conducive environment to facilitate credit to its employees. Also, flexibility in assessing and helping those prospective individuals doing either formal or informal business that has a fascination to prosper in future. PFL is not only profit oriented company, nevertheless, believes that providing accessible and affordable credit facility would directly or indirectly contribute immensely for the betterment of individuals well being as well as contribution to the nation building and economic growth.

87 %
Successful Applications
94 %
Return On Investment
100 %
Completely Secure

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