The Papua Finance is a socially responsible enterprise. We support sustainable socioeconomic, cultural and environmental development initiatives aimed at enriching the lives of the communities where we have business presence.
Central to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment is our policy to conduct business in a manner that is compatible with the needs of the local people. In this respect, we ensure that our business presence adds sustainable and measurable value to our host communities. The Bank has been supporting needy and deserving projects, institutions and individuals around the country and creating long term relationships with them.
We measure our success not only in terms of financial criteria, but also in building customer satisfaction and employee engagement, and supporting the communities we serve. This way of thinking is evident in the Bank’s balanced scorecard approach to management, which integrates CSR elements into our strategic planning and performance evaluation processes.
We have developed a comprehensive CSR strategy with a major focus on education, healthcare, environment, sports and social development.